
Saturday, January 2, 2010

...so we are all going to be all right, it seems. Bubu woke up like a hundred times between 6PM (usual bedtime) and 1AM, but then the Motrin finally kicked in and he slept through the rest of the night. He did have a slight fever around midnight, we measured it to be 100.6, but as I said all is well today.

My dearest mother-in-law is still somewhat sick, in my opinion not so much physically than -how should I put this?- emotionally. She refused to take Bubu out for his usual walk around the neighborhood today, insisting that it's below freezing point and there's a strong wind, too. But I'm a Spartan Mom as she put it; so out we went despite the best efforts on the element's part, and braved the wind, the cold, the arctic atmosphere, and even managed a slight jog - Bubu in his stroller, dogs on both sides of it, and mom, pushing through like there's no tomorrow.
Yes I admit I am very much an outdoorsy woman, I truly hate to be locked in the house, and Bubu is the same; when it's absolutely impossible to take him outside, he is cranky, doesn't eat as well, can't sleep, etc... So out we go, no matter what.
Right after we came back, he contentedly went to sleep in his room. Bubu very much enjoyed the walk, and held Tatar's leash in his hands the whole way through. My Boy!!